Download your Royalty Statements

From v3.23 onwards, DeepMeta requires you to download your Royalty Statements from the Getty ESP site yourself, so you can import them in DeepMeta.

Here's a step-by-step guide how to do this.

Sign in

In your browser, navigate to and login if needed:

Account management

Click on the 'Account management' menu option at the top right. This brings you to your personal account page.

Select the 'Royalties' tab if not already active:


  • Select the 'Export' option at the left
  • Select month, year and select 'All contracts'
  • Select 'TXT' as File type
  • Click the 'Download file' button to download the .txt file with your statement data
  • You'll also want to download the 'Connect' transactions, so select the 'Connect TXT' icon and hit the Download button again.

The result will be 2 .txt files, one for your regular sales and one for your 'connect' transactions. It is these 2 files you can import in DeepMeta, by drag-and-dropping them onto the DeepMeta window, or by using the 'Import' button at the top right of the 'Statements' section.


We advise to systematically store the downloaded files, since they represent your official sales report from Getty Images. You may want to refer to them at a later date for fiscal or reporting reasons.

One possible method, is to store them together in one folder per year: