Search the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting us, please check out the FAQ section at this site, which provides quick responses to the most frequently asked questions from our users.

Contact us by email

You can send a support request or suggestion. We will reply as soon as possible, typically within 24 hours.

The preferred language for support is English, but we can also handle messages in French, Dutch, German and Russian. In that case, please specify if we can reply in English, or if you need a response in your language. We'll try to accommodate.

Our direct email address is:

Post a support request on the Getty Images DeepMeta Forum

Visit the DeepMeta forum topic at the iStock/Getty website, and post your message there: go to forum.

Posting your message in that topic is encouraged as it allows us all to learn from each other. There are some very talented and helpful DeepMeta users out there!

DeepMeta Contact Info

Eazign / Franky De Meyer is the creator of DeepMeta software and web site, and ensures the user support for DeepMeta

Eazign BV - registered, Brussels BE0860.434.441 - was founded in 2003, leveraging over 30 years of experience in quality software and web development.